miðvikudagur, júní 07, 2006

Margt til í þessu

Fann þennan lista á gamla blogginu hans Árna bróður og fannst svo margt til í honum að ég ákvað að birta hann hérna ykkur (að mestu) til dægradvalar og skemmtunar.
#1 I'm a big believer in not taking life seriously. Mjög sammála
#2 I believe that dancing can cure all that ails you. Soldið sammála, eða meira svona að viðhorf skipti miklu í lífinu almennt
#3 I believe I can fly. The landing part could be a little bit harder though. He he he he aldrei að vita, geri samt ekki ráð fyrir að prófa
#4 I believe that the children are our future (and I thank the gods I will be dead when those spoiled little bastards inherit the earth) já já heimur versnandi fer
#5 I believe that Karl Rowe(Carl rove? Karl Rove? the devil has many names) is EVIL incarnate. Já er ekki bara fínt að hann sé hættur hjá Bush?
#6 I believe that the gods have a sick sense of humor and if they are playing games with the fate of mankind they are most definately cheating and making the rules up as they go. Hlýtur að vera satt, annars væru Framsóknarmenn ekki alltaf í þessari óþolandi oddastöðu í íslenskum stjórnmálum - já eða Bush jr. valdamesti maður í heimi.
#7 I believe that if shit were an energy source then Hollywood could generate enough power to keep the world running for the next millenia. Pearl Harbour, Armageddon, Baywatch og Steven Seagal - þarf að segja eitthvað meira?
#8 I believe that all men are created equal and I am the most equal of all. Riiiiiiiiight
#9 I believe that L. Ron Hubbard is one of the biggest assholes that have ever walked the earth and if you are a member the church of scientoligy, please exit this page and close the door behind you. Heyr heyr
#10 I believe in life before birth and after death(were going in circles people). Jæja já en hver er ég svosem til að fullyrða að það sé EKKI svoleiðis - (mjög póstmódernískt viðhorf hjá mér by the way)
#11 I believe that music is mankinds greatest invention. Með þeim betri að minnsta kosti
#12 I believe that Kurt Vonnegut is one of mankinds greatest prophets. No comment
#13 I believe in karma and the balance of the whole input output thing (you get what you give). Vísa hér til atriðis tvö
#14 Last ,but certainly not least, I believe in love, love, love. it really is all around us and if you give it, you will receive it (well most of the time anyway, there's really no helping some people). Mjög sammála
No matter how you look at it, all things move towards their end (in our case death) and theres not a smegging thing we can do about it. So lets all have some fun and be nice to eachother while were at it. I will help out any way that I can, even if it includes eating cheesecake (hey it couldnt hurt) ef þetta er ostakakan hennar Bryndísar sem um ræðir þá setjið mig bara óhikað á listann
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